“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”

— Hippocrates

Every bite of food you take will either heal you or hurt you. This is why it is so important to be intentional with our food choices. Today is a great day to start a customized health plan.



Custom Food Sensitivity List

It is imperative to know what foods you are sensitive or allergic to. Even good foods can be a bad thing if your body does not have the resources it needs to break them down and digest them properly. Foods that don’t get broken down will cause inflammation and could end up being stored in fatty tissue as one of our body’s oldest natural survival mechanisms.

Recommended Diet Plan

Based on your body’s needs, I will recommend a diet plan for you to follow that will nurture your body for optimal digestion and energy production.

Food List

You will receive a printable food list based on your recommended diet plan. This is a super helpful resource as you learn how to shop, meal plan, and food prep in order to be successful in reaching your health goals.

Supplement Recommendations

While you are beginning your healing journey, you will find that it is helpful to use supplements to cover the gap between what you are able to get from food and what your body needs. I will help you learn what supplements would be helpful for your body and why they would be beneficial.

Detox Protocols

Weight loss and detoxification go hand in hand. Your body will likely not release it’s stored fat easily. Fatty tissue is prime storage for the toxins that we introduce into our bodies everyday. If your body does not know how to detoxify a toxin, it will default to storing the toxin in fatty tissue. This is why it’s imperative to have a customized detox protocol. Everyone detoxes differently and a “one size fits all” detox program can be very dangerous if not monitored by a practitioner. Detox can actually make you very sick if it is not done properly.

Exercise Recommendations

Everyone’s healing journey is just as unique as their bodies are. Your method of exercise should compliment your body’s specific needs as well as your goals. Contrary to popular belief, you do not lose weight in the gym. You lose weight in the kitchen. Your exercise routine should be designed to help your body get stronger without causing excess inflammation, which will cause you to gain weight. This is why some people can take aerobics classes everyday and still not lose weight. This is why it’s so important to work with a practitioner that can help recommend an effective exercise plan.

In addition to these things, I will also teach you how to heal chronic illness and prevent diseases by making powerful changes in your diet, environment, and mindset.

Contact me today to begin your journey back to health.