

The word ‘energetic’ does not relate to energy in the strict sense that a physicist would mean it. Instead we are using the term loosely to refer to aspects of human functioning that are not just biomechanical (e.g joints, muscles and motion) and biochemical (e.g. nutrients, proteins, hormones and oxidation). The functioning of the human body is governed by informational signals. The Qest4 software allows us to gather information from your body via these informational signals to determine imbalances within your specific body systems. When we obtain responses from a bioenergetic testing device, the information is a mixture of commentary on the physical, chemical, emotional and mental state of the individual. Indeed, part of the skill of the practitioner of bioenergetic testing is to consider the information that comes from the system and use the information to design a custom protocol to help their client regain balance and harmony within their body.



Once the scans are completed and the reports are analyzed by your BioMeridian Practitioner, you are given control of the healing pathway that you are most comfortable with. The most beneficial method to regaining balance is to imprint the informational signatures highlighted by the test into a customized homeopathic remedy and introduce that information back into the body over a short period of time. Your scan may also reveal the need for nutritional supplementation and/or complimentary therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, counseling, or follow-up with a medical doctor.

Essentially, the Qest4 system allows us to discover root cause issues and use that information to encourage the body to work it’s way back into harmony.


The Qest4 database contains over 40,000 individual scans. These functional tests include, but are not limited to:

  • Allergen Sensitivities

  • Chemical Toxicity

  • Circulatory Disturbances

  • Digestive Maladies 

  • Female Issues

  • Immune Disorders

  • Inherited Predisposition

  • Joint Ailments

  • Male Issues

  • Vaccination Resonance

  • Thyroid Imbalance

  • Metabolic Disturbances

  • Neurotransmitter Imbalances

  • Nutritional Deficiencies

  • Pathogenic Factors

  • Phenolic Sensitivities

  • Respiratory Issues

  • Skin Afflictions

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Urinary Disorders

  • Musculo/ Skeletal Misalignments

  • Heavy Metal Resonance

Most common reasons to get scanned…

Weight Loss

Qest4 Scans give you the information you need to assist your body with weight loss. This includes the specific diet, supplements, exercise routine, and sleep patterns to support your weight loss journey.

Sleep Issues/ Insomnia

Losing sleep? Did you know that your body cannot heal properly if it does not get adequate sleep? Let me help you get a good night’s sleep with a customized Sleep scan.


It seems that everyone I know is under an incredible amount of stress these days, with no end in sight. You can go to any store and find a million products that claim to help with stress and anxiety, but which one is right for you? I can help you find the right product for your body and help your body naturally mitigate stress properly.


Have you ever attempted a new “diet” only to fail within the first week? This is incredibly common and it happens because we tend to choose diets that work for “everyone” else. Qest4 can tell you exactly what diet will work best for your body and what foods to avoid for weight loss.


“Detox” has become such a trendy word lately and you can find a million products that promise to “detox your body”, but real detox happens on a cellular level and must be approached very carefully. A customized Qest4 scan will tell you exactly what your toxin burden looks like and what specific products your body needs to lighten that toxic burden.


If we’ve learned anything from 2020 it would be that we should all be taking supplements to proactively keep our bodies strong and able to defend us at any moment. But how do you know which vitamins and minerals to take? How do you know what companies are reputable and what dosage your body desires? A Qest4 scan can customize a supplement schedule to keep your body strong and healthy.

Migraine Headaches

Did you know that 1 billion people worldwide suffer from migraine headaches and 1 in 7 Americans are on some form of migraine medication daily? Doctors are wonderful at diagnosing migraines, but very few will actually help you figure out the root cause of those headaches. Qest4 scans can show you where the imbalances are that are leading to migraine headaches and teach you how to heal those imbalances to stop the migraines.

Animal Scans

We love our furry friends and we want them to live long, healthy, lives! The Qest4 software is loaded with scans for the most common pets and farm animals. I can help address allergies, weight issues, skin afflictions, and mental/ emotional imbalances. Qest4 is a great tool to help see the bigger picture when one of our furry friends is under the weather.


Watch this video to understand more about the history and process of Biomeridian Scanning

BioMeridian scanning is meant to be used as a tool to help the body heal. In some cases, it can take several months to years to balance a body that has been chronically out of homeostasis. In most cases, clients can experience wonderful results within 1-2 rounds of customized protocol. These are the clients that proactively commit to making the necessary changes and faithfully finishing their protocol. The beauty of bioenergetic medicine is that it puts the client in full control of their healing process.

It is important to know that BioMeridian scans do not diagnose disease, but instead reveal imbalances that lead to disease. Disease is typically diagnosed by medical doctors after symptoms are present. BioMeridian scans can reveal imbalances before they become physical symptoms. Chronic illness is typically manifesting for 5-10 years before physical symptoms are present. BioMeridian scans are a brilliant tool that can be used to stop chronic illness in it’s tracks.